Monday 29 February 2016

Digital Learning

Have a look at Pukeko students using our computers for digital learning.  We were learning how to use precise adjectives in our writing.

Amelie, Tessa and Rosemary

Monday 22 February 2016

Military Tattoo by Khara

Dear Diary,

When I went to the Military Tattoo it was so full and my mum said, ''There are 22,000 people so you have to stay close to me,'' she explained before we got there. I saw Mrs Martell which was a surprise. When the show started there was a castle and there were lots of cannons gathered around the castle, there were fire holders and they lit up. I sat near the side in  the second row at the front.
The Photo

Knock knock. "Oh no you must be joking, don't tell me the photographers are here," I thought, "please please, make sure it's not the photographers. Noooo! why does it have to be them?' I said to myself. Me and my little brother Nino, and my big sister wished that we didn't win the prize but we couldn't change it now. I had to go first for the photo, I was embarrassed but my sister was really really embarrassed, you could tell because of the look on her face. All I wished was that I could go back in time and didn't win the prize. But there was a funny thing about the photo, Yogi was asleep in it ha ha ha ha really funny and cute! I think that Yogi thought it was comfortable.
By Samantha
yr 5

Round The Bays 2016

5,4,3,2,1 GO!!! Round The Bays had started. Me my mum and my brother started walking. There were thousands of people so we weren't going very fast but it started to free up. By Joel